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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Before Up

And when I lie
Under the vine
I see the sky
Little patches with lights
Beating hearts for them to survive.

Reaching out, reaching out
Working it’s way up from the ground

And when I try
To get up
From the ground I
Realize it’s not the vines
It’s me who binds the skies to the vines

Waking up waking up
But then it fills the gap.


It’s like you were never there.
My heart’s so cold it doesn’t care.
You were a fool to believe
That I would listen to your plea.
I’m never nice. I never stay
Somewhere that does no more display
Something that which I desire.
Me and my sins should burn in fire.
Don’t think that I’ve never tried.
My patience tested and I’ve cried.
And now I must face the truth.
And this is where I must conclude.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Bending down to tie herself -
I mean, to tie her shoe
Emma puts the lunch in her bag
And walks herself to school.
THe long sleeves are way too warm
In the middle of July
But she will bear the heat and cold
To hide what she wants to hide.

The neighbors hear the screams and tears
They whisper "Poor child."
They draw their curtain and go to bed
And leave the girl to die.

Untitled #6

To the one with the knowing mind
Empty vessels are one-of-a kind.
To the one with invincible power
A helpless child is a joy of shower.
To the one with wealth that knows no bound
A poor man who sleeps on the ground
Is the picture of a life which he
Longs to experience constantly.